Invisalign & Ortho in Anchorage and Soldotna, AK
For mild to moderate malocclusion, our office offers Invisalign treatment options. For attaining a new smile with ultra thin or no-prep minimally invasive veneers, Dr. Hu also offers Invisalign treatment in some cases. As early as teenage years, Dr. Hu has been trained and certified to offer you this metal free orthodontic option. If you lost or are missing retainers, Dr.Hu also offers Vivera Retainers from Aligntech. These options are available both in Anchorage and Soldotna locations.
For those younger than teenage years, especially during mixed dentition, Dr. Hu also offers the DNA appliance, the VIVOS appliance system and Orthotain, as early as 3 years old in some cases. For Craniofacial epigenetics and Pneumopedics, growth/development treatment, Dr. Hu is certified with Biomdoeling Solutions and VIVOS to provide oral appliances by them. He also offers diet/nutritional recommendations that are key for craniofacial growth/development. Also, Dr. Hu offers Orthotain appliances to help "guide adult permanent teeth to the proper position and/or trajectory while erupting". For those young children with severe malocclusion and poor airway due to narrow, notably constricted arch(es), Dr Hu also offers Phase one expansion orthodontic treatment. AIRWAY is so important, especially in children because they are still growing. Treatment early on will make a dramatic difference in their development, and for the rest of their adult life for that matter! Studies have shown that mouth breathing problems, postural issues, future TMJ problems, allergies, and even sleep apnea risk can all be related to a child's airway development. Dr. Hu is trained and can help with devices such as Hyrax, Rickonators, and skeletal expanders. Please ask a team member for further details. Our office will be delighted to discuss all the orthodontic treatment options we offer. When cases are too extreme or difficult, we also can help get patients referred out to a local orthodontist. |